Maria Ilina <ilin at> wrote:
>Dear colleagues, could you help me with the following information:
>results of the most recent research in treatement of multiple sclerosis
>(MS) and probably clinics where some newest methods are applicated.
> I have a joung friend living in USA to whom a diagnosis of MS was recently
>posed, and she wants to fight.
>I will be very grateful for any information sent to my E-mail address:
><ilin at>
>Best regards,
>Dr Maria Ilina, Moscow, Russia
I heard that axons grow with success and shrink with certain sorts of
depression and fear,
and I know that there is an older form of communicating with fields,
that might data back to the time before there was myelin on the axons
of our ancestor very far back.
I believe that to see to success and using the brain in many ways you
can increase the growth of axons and dendrites, so that if you lose
some you can compensate, and that good feelings and laughter power up
the immune system a lot.
And I believe that with the old form of field perception & sending you
can compensate to a minor extent for damages cause through gone axons.
Cause the neuros overlook that it are not just the axons sending the
data, but that like the magicians you can send data far away without
axons if you alter and extend the wave-fields of sectors.
You can not just aim far away but also within you.
That is why some of the people who lose a finger still have it on the
halo-photos and why they still feel there, cause the fields that
connect are still aimed there.
(If I am in Berlin and she is ever here, she or if she has a friend
with MS (or autism) can come to me and I'll try to teach her brain how
to perceive and send fields for free,
but the body fields I can only teach in theory, for that Asian
studiers of chakra control etc. maybe are good trainers.
At the moment most of the time I can't receive e-mail, there seems to
be something wrong with the program of my or the university's
computer; in case you answer it might take a while before I can
If your friend can still walk or move in a wheel chair maybe she
should be a lot in natural woods / areas, be with good friends who are
not broadcasting much weird but nice emotions and if she has money
maybe visit a lot of funny pieces in the theater(s).
I wish our friend good luck
L. Weaver