"Abductions" DO NOT exist :scientists should fight this crap,like Carl Sagan did

Etherman etherman at mdc.net
Mon Apr 20 18:53:21 EST 1998

Jim Hunter wrote in message <353AC79F.62B6 at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu>...
Patanîe Pongpâ wrote:
> Le Vendredi 17 Avril 1998 16:03:15 -04 du Méridien, Jim Hunter
> <jim.hunter at jhuapl.edu> vous écrivîtes:
> >
> >Everybody that I know of has lucid dreams once in while.
> >The whole point of being an intelligent dreamer is to
> >wake up and say, "that was a good dream"!!
> >
> >There are several newsgroups who requested that the
> >"dreamers" do -not- post their "theories" to their
> >newsgroups. The only reason you are still allowed
> >in sci.physics is that it is good to know what
> >models of the universe do not model anything.
> Dear Jim,
> Could you elaborate on that point?
> By the way I think that we,researchers,should work in order to
> decrease the incredible amount of crap which is believed,nowadays,in
> mass media influenced societies.Merchants have no morality problem to
> produce,to sell and to make people believe in crap.
> This is how this whole psychological problem of "abductees" arose.
> Scientists are also guilty in that respect because they do not want
> spend some time educating the public.
> Carl Sagan was an exception but,faced with these millions of people
> believing in flying saucer "abductions" we need thousands of  new
> Sagan.....
> We need new Carl Sagan!
> >

Again, Mr. Pongpa, please provide evidence that the "abduction"
phenomena is purely psychological.  How long will my requests
to pseudoskeptics be ignored?

>We probably could use more Sagans. The one drawback of your
>argument is that the people who start the "abduction" theories
>don't listen to Sagans. They never have. It usually not because
>they're born dumb. They have "theories". There are a number of
>people responding to sci.* posts who are -trying- to educate the
>public. The public has their own theories of how the universe
>works. If you've ever read sci.physics you know what I mean.
>If the public doesn't understand the energy-time-engineering
>requirements of space travel, it's hard to give them an
>argument that "abductions" aren't happening.

The problem is that Sagan himself didn't have any reasonable theory
about abductions.  It's difficult to educate the public when you're
as in the dark as they are.


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etherman at mdc.net

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