
cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 18 20:02:57 EST 1998

Stephen Harris <mulcyber at pacbell.net> wrote:

>cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
>> Stephen Harris <mulcyber at pacbell.net> wrote:
>> It seems there is a lot that you do not understand.
>> And that you are proud of it.
>> What Carlos Castaneda writes, is, as he says, a guide to real sorcery.

>You do not understand there is no such thing as sorcery, magick

Of course there is. As I said, you are just too dumb to get it.

What you say is like someone who can't read standing in a library and
saying that there is no such thing like knowing the thoughts of people
who lived a long time ago by staring at some paper with black stuff on

>wicca and so on.
Wiccas in the USA are generally a religion.
They are not like the witches in Germany.
Wiccans in the USA usually do not know about magical arts.
Nor do they seem to be aware that the practicers of the old religion
were persecuted, tortured and killed by the Christians for over 500
years, that in the Merseburger Zaubersprueche (spells) the old Gods
are listed, and that that to call oneself Christian at the same time
is even worse than that Moon Goddess Horned One whatever.
But that is another topic...

> You seem to be proud that you read a book written
>by a money-grubber and have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
I am very glad I found his books, I heard he got complaints from
practicers of magic from several continents, and I can see why.
There is data that can lead to suicide and data that can lead to
immense powers in there, and it tends to be custom that such data is
only transferred if the receiver is thought far enough.
Fortunately most US-Americans and even some Germans are so
mind-bogglingly dumb, that they do not reckognize the data-security
breach that he has done, and fortunately he was intelligent enough to
construct his books in a way that there is data left out in a very
wise way.

I am from another branch and think very different in a lot of areas,
and some of what he says I find dangerously wrong.

Some I cannot judge.

>Castaneda nor any shaman, past present or future is real. 
>Nothing occult is real. No gurus are real. They are either
>deliberate fakes like Casteneda or gullible fakes like gurus.
Sure, they are all just phantoms, people's imagination, ethey were
never born, never lived and never carried the data of thousands of
years of human research into the mind, physics., plants or/and other
Let me ask you a basic questions: 

1.:How does Carlos Castaneda's "seeing" work?

(You can use scientific terms or just own words for it or both.)

2.: Using that way to perceive and describing what is within half a
meter around the head & body of a shaman and someone who is not
knowing how to extend fields/ how to do magick, 
what would you say are the differences / similarities (of that area
from his skin to half a meter away)

3. Would it be possible, that you are just able to perceive on the
narrow spectrum of hearing colour-seeing and the other senses, that
the Christians did not censor out, that you are not using the censored
senses, that you are not able to perceive on broadband spectrum and
therefore could have a magick user with a halo half a meter around
that shows clearly that he is in nearly perfect control of the waves /
fields generated of many of his cells and can extend many of them to
dozens of meters or hundreds of km at will, and you do not even
perceive that?

Excuse me, but a real practicer of the senses the Christians forbade
is not overlooked easily.
You switch to energy perception and attempt to scan his energy
And if it is freaking weird, amazingly powerful and if there are
clear, powerful, mentally aware&controlled reactions to your scan,
and his systems going to defense or his head extending brainwaves into
your brain to communicate or something like that, there is no way to
overlook that.
And if the halo is just looking like of a normal person and
unstructured / uncontrolled, and there is no flicker of response and
the the person maybe does not even notice the scan,
then there is little doubt that they are not a practicer of magick.

Maybe you simply never met a practicer of magick, but if you ever meet
one, just switch to what Carlos Castaneda calls "seeing" and scan his
fields in a way that will not be misinterpreted in a negative way.
You can't fail to see it.

Maybe you do not understand why people like Jesus and Buddha and
others who could extend fields far have a halo that is so powerful
that it is like a shine, maybe you do not understand what the old
meaning of the word "enlightened" is, maybe you do not understand
enough about real physics, your body and your mind to understand how
to alter your fields and extend them and change things with them.

But then do not judge the ones who do like a child not able to read
judging a book about the knowledge of a people.

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