Jim Hunter

Scot Mc Pherson behomet at geocities.com
Sun Apr 19 10:04:30 EST 1998

If you keep looking for evidence you will never find the truth, only the
results. Evidence is a result, not the truth.

Stephen Harris wrote in message <353A0DCA.47C5 at pacbell.net>...
>cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
>> You do not perceive the thoughts because you do not know enough.
>> I believe there is a lot you'd not understand in Carlos Castaneda's
>This sort of stuff appeals to the gullible fairly intelligent.
>Astrology, Tarot, I Ching, Crystal Chakra healing, are all fake
>and in the same category. All of it, including C Casteneda is
>a pile of spiritual hubris. You will never find a fact or evidence.
>This is what some grownups do instead of believing in Santa Claus.

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