transcranial magnetic stimulation

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 18 16:26:21 EST 1998

drock <kcjones727 at aol.com> wrote:

>has this been said to be helpful for brain damage?/? is this true???

My brain nearly hurts at the thought.

I have not tried it, but I know that the different sectors have
different energy levels, and that some already start to hurt if I link
brainwaves with someone for longer than 5-15 minutes or if he docks in
too hard. 
It feels like these own levels should never be disturbed too much for
too long.

...But I have been wondering if you took someone who is hell's good in
that and have a come patient where you are about to pull the plugs
anyway, and you'd let the guy fire into the right centers several
times each day for a while for five days, if you could get some people
and if on the other hand it would be right to wake them up tht way if
they would not have woken up by themselves, as that might be a sign
that too much is damaged.

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