
Stephen Harris mulcyber at pacbell.net
Sun Apr 19 16:42:20 EST 1998

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
> Stephen Harris <mulcyber at pacbell.net> wrote:
> >cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
> >This is what some grownups do instead of believing in Santa Claus.
> It seems there is a lot that you do not understand.
> And that you are proud of it.
> What Carlos Castaneda writes, is, as he says, a guide to real sorcery.

You do not understand there is no such thing as sorcery, magick
wicca and so on. You seem to be proud that you read a book written
by a money-grubber and have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Castaneda nor any shaman, past present or future is real. 
Nothing occult is real. No gurus are real. They are either
deliberate fakes like Casteneda or gullible fakes like gurus.

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