Stephen Harris <mulcyber at> wrote:
>cijadra at wrote:
>>>> You do not perceive the thoughts because you do not know enough.
>>>> I believe there is a lot you'd not understand in Carlos Castaneda's
>This sort of stuff appeals to the gullible fairly intelligent.
>Astrology, Tarot, I Ching, Crystal Chakra healing, are all fake
>and in the same category. All of it, including C Casteneda is
>a pile of spiritual hubris. You will never find a fact or evidence.
>This is what some grownups do instead of believing in Santa Claus.
It seems there is a lot that you do not understand.
And that you are proud of it.
What Carlos Castaneda writes, is, as he says, a guide to real sorcery.
But, as I said, he is leaving out key data, without which it is
unlikely that you understand what he says.
Sorcery is not meant for all according to many people's opinions; and
I heard that even for what he wrote he got complaints from many places
of the world. And I can see why.
There is data in there which much have taken centuries if not
thousands of years of research to get at it.
That you are too ... to see the incredible value of it is not speaking
for you.
And I do not say that all he says is correct; some is b.s., some is
dangerous b.s., and in his first books he is going forever after stuff
that is not so interesting if one is alteady knowing a bit about it
and is t=not paying attention to some of the stuff that is beyond
nominal value, so that it is just mentioned shortly but never
explained deeper. Argh.
The point of Tarot is a mental counselling.
Personally I do not like it, but for some people it is good if they
stop once a week or more often and look at where they are in life,
think about that, their past, their future.
It helps them to go a more steady and content course through life.
About Crystal Chakra healing I cannot say anything.
So far I do not have enough control over the Chakren in the body, nor
know about all crystals and their effect upon those centers, so I am
not able to judge.
With Astrology I believe that the planets still have effects upon us,
but not the stars, but that the time of the year y9u are born in plays
a high role in some cultures.
In my land in winter it is dark at five and in summer light till after
eleven. A child born in winter and learning to walk one year later can
not go out into the snowy land and has other melatonin levels than a
summer child who one year later might take first steps through the
garden and look at the flowers and insects...
That is a very different input and I believe it makes changes.
I-Ching I do not know.
I believe that you judge things fast without understanding them.