On Sun 4/19/98 15:23 -0400 Scot Mc Pherson wrote:
>> I think his question is relevant here too.
Wherever "here" is. I admit that I did not see the comp.ai NGs listed
in the header when I wrote my response, but where are you reading this
and/or posting from?
> There is a theory that suggests
> that advanced computer systems could infact assume consciousness with the
> right programming. And programs that are allowed to improve upon and
> reprogram themselves could arguably become a sentient consciousness.
> Remember that ultimately everything comes from the same star stuff that we
> are made of. If you want more scientific terms, we constitute the same sub
> atomic particles that exist throughout all of creation.
>We disagree on this point, but if you want to see the work product of
someone deeply involved in the subject of quantum consciousness, go to
> We are just a freak of nature that allowed the material that makes up our
> constituency become a pattern in the way it does to create US, but not
> impossible or WE wouldn't be here. This is paralleled by the fact that IA
> Consciousness would be a freak of computing, but not impossible.
>Bull tweedle, my good man. Bull tweedle. You are merely running off at
the mouth in the above paragraph.
Spontaneous self-organization is to the life sciences
as perpetual motion machines are to physics.
Consciousness, Physics and the Holographic Paradigm: