Toward a Science of Consciousness 1998

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Apr 17 23:15:33 EST 1998

>consciousness, per se, has not been satisfactorily defined even all
>these centuries and millennia of human activity later. 
And I do not care how others define them; of seven I know if they are
or are not conscious, and of another where I do not know I suspect it
might have a prestage of consciousness.
Actually, as long as the other areas function O.K. I am not sure why
it is so important if they are conscious or not.
You are with them in your head & body anyway.

> Perhaps consciousness is a continuum or spectrum of physical
>energy, just as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a continuum or
>spectrum of physical energy.  

It's a bit more tricky than that.

Ask some neo-magician to restructure your occipital cortex & other
areas to go frequency surfing or ask some Red Indian who can do it to
teach you what Carlos Castaneda means with "seeing" and then look into
the different areas of a brain.
There are not just the conscious areas who have fields, there's
bunches of different ones, and you can alter them.
(But don't alter any down behind the ears in another person; there
seem to be sort of control thingies that usually do not appreciate
having their fields messed up by alien energies, and I believe they
are pretty important.)
If you alter them in a dreamer it's different than if you alter them
in someone awake, in case you learn it and find a willing victim give
that a try, too.  But don't disturb in a brain when it goes to deep
sleep, and when the sleeper seems to be disturbed by what you do,
leave him alone for some minutes.

I can't put it into words, but if you energy-perceive the other and
send into his systems, then there is a very different reaction to what
you send; and also the energies as such of the sectors are fascinating
to watch for a while even if you do not send but just observe the
sleeper changing between different energy levels. It's tricky to
explain, but if you learn that and watch you'll perceive part of the
And some of the MBDs can subsegregate conscious areas or shift main
focus within them; they are the experts for the conscious areas as
such. If you nag a bunch of them then you have the answer.
Maybe they even allow you do dock in while they split inside, 
not sure to what extent a trained normal can subperceive then, too,
nor to what extent it'd disturb the other one to run a docking off.
Might want to give it a try, though, in case it should be ever so
important to you.

(At least that's the way I'd probably try to get the answers to your
questions  if that was my sort of thing.)

>And perhaps it is some portion of the
>immanent, transcendent continuum of consciousness that becomes gross
>matter through the mechanisms we know as physics.  
And perhaps not.

>Within the sub-light-speed spacetime continuum of our synergistic
>material universe, 
>higher order information produced in the
>transcendent continuum of conscious energies devolves and directs
>both the organization and the evolution of lower order aggregations
>of energy called matter.
And who would those conscious energies be, what interests them ever so
much to spend such power on steering an evolution that would run
without them and why do you discent between energy and matter the way
you do and restrict it to matter...

In other words: I do not think so.

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