Jim Hunter

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 18 02:31:27 EST 1998

> You're gonna have to crank up the "concept former" power.
> I see words, but I can't find thoughts. Look around for
> the concept amplifier in there.

You do not perceive the thoughts because you do not know enough.

I believe there is a lot you'd not understand in Carlos Castaneda's
writings either. And I assume he wanted it the way that just certain
people could read & understand what he writes, as to me he seems to
leave out key information in a rather systematic manner.
There is stuff that is just meant for the brains of those who can
perceive certain things, and those who cannot can read them for a long
time and still not get them, and often that is meant so.

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