Please erase bionet.neuroscience from the list of groups before posting
further, whether for or against the idea of alien abductions. This
discussion has crowded out neuroscience discussion and destroyed the
newsgroup's value for its intended purpose and audience. Surely true
believers and their critics have plenty of room in more appropriate
groups for pursuing this discussion.
In <3537cf6c.0 at> "Etherman" <etherman at> writes:
>>>Greg Eckenrode wrote in message <35355B5B.742 at>...
>>Question: How could alien and human DNA mix and produce a viable
>>I agree that it makes no sense. That's why I can't figure out
>why some seemingly intelligent people ascribe to the hypothesis.
>>>For that matter, if the aliens have interstellar technology,
>>why don't they just kill us all cleanly; quicker, probably cheaper.
>>>>Answer: Otherwise aliens wouldn't be abducting people. Duh!
>>What makes you think their goal is to kill/conquer us? Given that
>they haven't done it so far it seems reasonable to conclude that
>is not their goal. All this assuming, of course, that they exist in
>the first place.
>>The Internet's sole purpose is to get porn and
>bomb making plans into the hands of children.
>>etherman at>>>>