"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Trevor (Not Trevor) goatherd at prioryv.demon.co.uk
Fri Apr 17 06:19:29 EST 1998

In article <3528F592.896 at micron.net>, m <mbackues at micron.net>
>chkcorea wrote:
>> That sleep paralysis theory is crap, it doesn't hold water.
>> There are people who are having totally conscious abductuctions.
>It appears to me that one reason for confusion with this, is that there
>are multiple and related abduction phenomena, most of which take place
>in dream states, and some which do not.  
>In any case, scientific mumbo jumbo which has more to do with faith than
>true science doesn't adequately explain the dream experiences and 'sleep
>paralysis' either.
I can vouch fully for the 'reality' of lucid dreaming, and have no
problem _whatsoever_ with the theory that it's behind most abduction
cases, especially with the obvious pointers of 'being paralysed' and
somehow waking up 'miraculously' back in bed.
>> The evidence on the side of the abductees is too overwelming
>> and you can't handle it, it scares you, so you throw things back
>> like sleep paralysis and Succubus and Incubus and it's CRAP!
>I agree.  As I indicated, I don't think that these other phenomena are
>what they are said to be either though.
I don't agree. Wierd shit HAPPENS, of that there is no doubt. There is a
_lot_ of inexplicable and scary stuff going on out there, but abductions
(IMHO) are not one of them. As for UFO's, close encounters etc, I'd
wager 99 percent of these are explainable...

....but the scary thing are the 1 percent that seem to defy all rational
TnT | +First goat in space+ |misanthrope, 'writer' & general freak
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