Toward a Science of Consciousness 1998

Hermital hermital at livingston.net
Fri Apr 17 13:26:34 EST 1998

On Thu 4/16/98 20:13 -0400 Jim Hunter wrote:
> cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  > Why make it a science?
>  > So some idiots eventually mess around connecting a square kilmoeter
> of
>  > the right cells for that prupose with a ton of silicon chips?
>  >
>  > The conscious areas are sacred.
>  >
>  > Not something to be messed with.
> - There's actually nothing sacred about matter. If matter is
>   capable of becoming conscious, then people who are unfamiliar
>   with the properties of matter should stay away.
> - If matter can't become conscious, then we shouldn't
>   be talking.
The above statement is rather ambiguous.  If you are refering to the
physical brain as the center of human phenomenological consciousness and
the center of speech, that's fine.  But Descartes' Mind/Brain problem
concerning consciousness and matter is a bit more murky because
consciousness, per se, has not been satisfactorily defined even all
these centuries and millennia of human activity later.  One huge
difficulty is that consciousness is still seen as a fortuitous
subjective phenomenon by most researchers.  Perhaps that is the wrong
approach.  Perhaps consciousness is a continuum or spectrum of physical
energy, just as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a continuum or
spectrum of physical energy.  And perhaps it is some portion of the
immanent, transcendent continuum of consciousness that becomes gross
matter through the mechanisms we know as physics.  See further

Indeed, human phenomenological consciousness may arise in the mundane
scheme of things through the process outlined at
http://www.livingston.net/hermital/patterns.htm (among others).
Within the sub-light-speed spacetime continuum of our synergistic
material universe, higher order information produced in the
transcendent continuum of conscious energies devolves and directs
both the organization and the evolution of lower order aggregations
of energy called matter.
Consciousness, Physics and the Holographic Paradigm:

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