Jim Hunter

Jim Hunter jim.hunter at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu
Fri Apr 17 13:47:16 EST 1998

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
 > Jim Hunter <jim.hunter at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu> wrote:
 > >cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > Why make it a science?
 > > > So some idiots eventually mess around connecting a square
 > >of
 > > > the right cells for that prupose with a ton of silicon chips?
 > > >
 > > > The conscious areas are sacred.
 > > >
 > > > Not something to be messed with.
 > > >
 > > > They are not made for unnatural huge metal fields, most
 > > > fields and so on.
 > > >
 > >- There are no unnatural metal fields.
 > >- All metal is natural.
 > Ah, so we have just nice natural metals, conveniently being on the
 > surface everywhere in the size of fridges, metal doors, trains,
 > bridges,...  How could I have overlooked that metal fields the size
 > have them today have been around the same force & spreading
 > on the surface before humans dug them out...

What is the "thought" you are trying to communicate?

 > >- There's actually nothing sacred about matter.
 > Did I say that matter in general is sacred?
 > Maybe you should pay more attention to the actual sentences.

You said the "conscious areas are sacred". That statement
is more than sufficient information for me to conclude that
you don't know what your talking about.


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