But seriously,..(peroneal muscle atrophy)

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 16 21:32:27 EST 1998

In <353e6269.14024182 at news.mindspring.com> jmcfNo_Spam at mindspring.com
(Jim McFaden) writes: 
>Anybody know why a peroneal muscle would atrophy over a period of 8 or
>so years after an operation to fix a broken malleolus bone?
>Jim    (remove the no_spam)

I'll reveal my ignorance re anatomy, but may I ask if there was
potential for peroneal nerve damage? directly or indirectly (e.g. by
some slow inflammatory process and/or scarring)?  If so, might it
involve loss of trophic input to the muscle?


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