Principios activos sin lactosa.

Raymond A. Chamberlin raych at sirius.com
Thu Apr 16 03:04:38 EST 1998

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 00:06:02 +0200, "E.Izquierdo" <cage at ctv.es> wrote:

>Mi amiga tiene una paciente que padece hiperprolactinemia y necesita
>tratarla con alguna especialidad que tenga como principio activo la
>Bromocriptina, Lisuride, Pergolida o Quinagolida.
>Esta paciente es alergica a la lactosa, por lo que dicha especialidad no
>debe contener en su composicion dicho elemento.
>En España parece ser que no existe, pero necesita saber si existe en
>algun otro pais, no importa cual.
>Por favor si me puedes dar alguna pista: Nombre comercial, Laboratorio,
>Pais de origen, etc. te lo agradeceremos.
>Si quieres puedes responder en esta News o mandarme un e-mail a :
>cage at ctv.es
>Muchas gracias por anticipado.


My friend has a patient who suffers from hyperprolactinemia (excess
production of prolactin). and needs to treat it with some special
preparation that has, as its principal active ingredient,
Bromocryptine, Lysuride, Pergolide or Quinagolide.  This patient is
allergic to lactose, for which reason said preparation should not
contain in its composition said ingredient.  In Spain it seems that
such does not exist, but he needs to know if it exists in some other
country; it doesn't matter which one.  Please, if you can give me some
clue -- trade name, manufacturer, country of origen, etc. -- I would
appreciate it. If you care to, you can respond to this newsgroup or
send me an e-mail to:  cage at ctv.es

Thank you in advance.


Translated by Ray

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