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In <01bd68cc$418208e0$558dd2cc at default> "Don" <palerm2 at> writes:
>>>On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 04:48:08 GMT patanie at (Patanîe Pongpâ)
>>Le 7 Apr 1998 18:07:38 GMT, (Don P.) esoxlNeodymium at vous
>>>>Dear Don,
>>>>>> (Patanîe Pongpâ) writes:
>>>>>>>>There is a HUGE difference between Flying Saucers(or:M.O.C)in
>>>>and in the United-States.
>>>>In Europe we have nearly no reports of the so-called "abductions".
>>>>>>>>The reason is essentially cultural because "abductions" have been
>>>>created by a money oriented society which sells anything which can
>>>>swallowed by millions of gullible Americans.
>>>>>>> Yes and No. Yes, there is no question of how gullible amercicans
>>>are, that is pretty much self evident (the bulk of Americans
>>>>>> However you cannot say ALL abductions have been created this
>>>>>I can see no logical reason why advanced ETIs would abduct human
>>beings and,especially,secretely? If they are so advanced,why hide
>>Your opinion?
>> I am an alien visitation skeptic. I do not think that aliens
>are either visiting the earth or abduducting humans.
>> Although I might be able to contemplate why ETI's would
>do so, and why they would hide that fact that they did, I prefer
>to leave Mr. ET out of the Abduction Phenomenon discussion.
>>>>>There are many scientific reasons which preclude such things as
>>>>abductions by ETI(Extraterrestrials)but these reasons are too
>>>>to discuss here and,whatever their rationality,they would not
>>>>the purported "abductees" to believe in their fairy tales anyhow.
>>>>>>>>>> The problem that you have here is equating abductions with
>>>the dreaded *aliens* (as well as many gullible americans do).
>>>>I think some flying saucers are real but I think all "abductions" are
>> Of the real "flying saucers" that you think exists, do you
>attribute their existance to aliens, humans or both?
>>>Abductions follow the pattern of a CULTURAL proces.This should be
>>studied through anthropology.
>> Agreed, anthropology should be *one* dicipline that studies
>>>Why no abductions let say in my home town of Geneva,Switzerland,and
>>Switzerland in general or in Thailand,etc?
>>Perhaps...ETI have their money hidden in our swiss banks!!!!
>> I don't believe that ETI's are visiting this planet.
>>>>>>>>> I am an alien visitation skeptic. However, since I know
>>>humans have had efficient disc aircraft for at least 43 years,
>>>>Could you elaborate and give some evidence?
>> All circustantial evidence that the UFO phenomenon
>is the result of human creativity and innovation from the
>past 100 years.
>>>>>>the abduction scenario may have a more down to earth
>>For what reasons?
>> That I can not answer. I have not been privy to the
>reasons why humans would want to abduct other
>humans. Although I could ponder and investigate
>reasons why humans would abduct humans, I would
>rather spend my time investigating the possible
>technology of UFO craft.
>>>>>>> Agreed that some abduction cases can be explained away
>>>with dreams, mental instability, etc., but one can NOT discount
>>>every abduction case as being false.
>>>>Sleep phenomena and logic can show that 100% of these cases are not
>> I must disagree. This may be true for 99 percent
>but not 100.
>> Do you think that a human has ever been kidnapped
>in the past??
>> Do you think that a human has ever been kidnapped
>from there sleep in the past.
>> For whatever reason, it is possible that humans
>have abducted humans, and either intentionaly or
>unintentionaly blamed or made it appear that aliens
>were to blame.
>>>>>>> It is very possible that a some abductions cases are in fact
>>>true, but the abductors were/are humans and not Mr. ET.
>>>>Humans? Why not! But what would be their motivations?
>> I can only guess to the motives, but my guesses are
>> >I do not follow you.Please explain your opinion.
>> The facts are, that humans have UFO technology,
>and for whatever motives, could (and probably did)
>abuduct other humans in the past.
>> No need for Mr. ET.
>>>>>>> The alien stigma is a PERFECT scapegoat for this heinous
>>>>>> Just as the credible sightings are blamed on Mr. ET, so are
>>>many of the credible abduction cases. To suggest that ALL UFO
>>>sightings or ALL abductions cases are false is very closed minded.
>>>>No.It is a logical deduction.
>> How do you figure??
>>>>>>> The facts are that humans have been working on disc aircraft
>>>and Unified Field Theories since before WW2. This human
>>>endeavor led to disc (and other shaped UFO crafts) that breaks
>>>the KNOWN laws of physics. It was/is a simple task to covertly
>>>blame the sightings for such craft on Mr. ET. It is also a simple
>>>task to debunk the alien myth (since in my opinion alien visitaion
>>>is not fact).
>>>>>> The whole UFO and alien visitation realm is blamed on
>>>everything from Mr. ET to halucinations.
>>>>I have written elsewhere that flying saucers cannot be explained by
>>Collective hallucinations,simply,do not exist.Only confabulations or
>>lies can explain the vast majority of M.O.C sightings.
>>You can find my explanations about that in "Conscious Dreaming" at
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>It is at the end of the lengthy draft.
>>> However, the
>>>truth, the HUMAN aspects, are NEVER addressed, and for
>>>good reason, because it is classified information.
>>>>This is the "cover-up" theory very prevalent in the US.Again this is
>>There is no cover up in France or Switzerland.
>> The gvmt, or whoever admit that they have flying
>disc crafts that have capabilities that far exceed all
>known human aircraft.
>> Could you share this info with me please?
>>>>>>>Not because the ETI like to abduct US citizens and not french but
>>>>because our culture is different,less hollywoodian,more on the
>>>>>>> Or maybe because atfer WW2, france did NOT get any of the
>>>German engineers who were developing disc aircraft and Unified
>>>Field Theories before and during WW2.
>>>>Can you elaborate?
>> Starting in the 1930's german engineers began development
>on disc craft, Shriever, Schauberger, Dr, Miethe, the Hortens
>to mention a few.
>> After the war these engineers as well as the engineers
>from the Jet and Rocket programs were brought over to
>the US.
>>>>>If so why this has neveer gone into mainstream physics?
>>ALL physicists would LOVE to have a theory of everything.
>>Scientists are talkative...they cannot keep secrets for a long
>> Because this technoloy would lead to energy autononmy
>for one, and very real security issues also.
>>>>>>> And maybe because France did not have many physicists/engineers/
>>>inventors, as there were in other countries that stumbled upon some
>>>rather interesting interactions between gravity/electric/magnetic
>>>>>we know nearly nothing about gravity.
>>How the Germans would have discovered all that within a few years?
>> It is PLUBICLY known that we knowm nearly nothing about
>gravity. I suspect that great gains at unifying gravity and
>electromagnetisim were made in May of 1928.
>>>>>> I suspect three countries began development of disc aircraft
>>>involving Unified Field Thoeries after WW2, and France is NOT
>>>one of them.
>>>>Please elaborate on these discs.
>> Discs that use the Unified Field Theories (the
>interactions of gravity and electromagnetisim) for
>propulsion and maybe for power.
>> An extension of the work of Nicola Tesla's experiments
>with turbines and rotating magnetic fields.
>>>>>>>>French are more down to earth, less gullible,and not so much prone
>>>>mass hysteria!
>>>>>>> You say that you are not gullible aye. Let me ask you a question
>>>or three.
>>>>>> Do you think that humans could have developed VERY
>>>efficient disc (and other shaped UFO aircraft) over
>>>50 years ago?
>>>>Disc aircraft,why not. Using gravity? NO.It is grotesque.It is a
>> I disagree.
>>>>>I will remind you that the French physicist Dr Jean Pierre PETIT has
>>shown how to make flying discs using MHD technology.
>>The problem is that these discs would need a nuclear power plant for
>>energy production!
>>So it is not an efficient way of flying without conventional engines.
>> Interesting. Thanks for this tidbit. Do you have any more
>info on Dr. PETIT efforts?
>>>>>Yes it would look science-fiction but it would be useless!
>>Still the French army approached Dr Petit but he refused to work with
>>the army.
>>>>Petit's work is interesting,however,because it provides a way of
>>creating silent non polluting aircrafts.
>> Seems that this type of craft could have real military
>>>>>These would be disc shaped,would glow in the night and would be sent.
>>Still they would be unable to perform what M.O.C are reported to
>> How do you know this? Were you involved with the
>efforts and improvements of such crafts?
>>>>>And,again,coming to the problem of energy:what would be the use of
>>flying discs powered by megawatts of a small nuclear plant?
>> Not if a relatively small device was used to produce the
>megawatts of power, that took NO fuel, as we know it.
>>>>>This is more an academic interest than anything practical,at least
>>the time being.
>>MHD propulsion is interesting(academically)but over greedy on energy
>>in reality.
>> Maybe so. However, humans have been working on MHD
>for almost 60 years. There may be some un-disclosed
>advances in the MHD field that you and I are not aware
>>>>>>> Do you think that it is possible that sometime between
>>>1900 - 1930 that humans have made GREAT advances concerning
>>>the Unified Field Thoeries?
>>>>>> Do you think that this (at least) 50 year old HUMAN
>>>technology was ever used to abduct a citizen (for
>>>whatever reason)?
>>>>I do not know.First present your points.
>> I think I did above.
>>>>>>> You say that abduction cases "are misinterpreted sleep
>>>phenomena", I say a percentage probably are.
>>>>>I say 100% are!
>> I think there is a very real posibility that humans
>have been abducting humans, for whatever reasons.
>>>>>> You say that abduction cases are NOT the result of Mr. ET
>>>dropping by for a visit and a short ride. I agree, but I will
>>>remain open minded to any physical evidence of Mr. ET.
>>>>>> Could humans have abducted citizens with their UFO crafts?
>>>The correct question should be, HOW MANY citizens have been
>>>abducted by humans and their UFO crafts?
>>>>So please give me a motivation.
>>It does not make sense to abduct people..
>> Sure it makes no sense to you or I, but this does
>not take away from the posibility of it happening.
>> Thanks for the reply
>Don Palermo