Gateway to the Best Science Resources Online

SciLink, Inc. scicentral at scicentral.com
Thu Apr 16 15:49:47 EST 1998

Dear Colleague,

We would like to introduce to you our online
science and engineering metadirectory:
SciCentral: http://www.scicentral.com

SciCentral is maintained by professional scientists
whose mission is to identify and centralize access
to the most valuable scientific resources online.

SciCentral currently constitutes a gateway to over
50,000 sites pertaining to over 120 specialties
in science, medical research, and engineering.

The resources indexed in SciCentral are primarily intended
for professional scientists, educators, college students,
and all science enthusiasts. They also include a K-12 area
more specifically designed to encourage science awareness
among the younger students.

We look forward to receiving you at SciCentral.

SciCentral's Staff

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