Principios activos sin lactosa.

Nanny dorlchas at ohio.tds.net
Thu Apr 16 08:04:26 EST 1998

Hi David; don't know how you found this FMS group or how it applies to
organ donors; but I like your thought.  Also, am so happy for you that
you're alive and well after your transplant!

Gentle thoughts, Nanny

David Spiro <bagelbo1 at ix.netcom.com> wrote in article
<3534B689.744F at ix.netcom.com>...
> Senor, por favor use ingles cuando escribe usted a este groupa
> alt.med.ems. Mas personas aqui no habla espanol. 
> -- 
> Dave Spiro - Liver transplant 8/1/97
>     "Don't take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here"
> Give the gift of life, be an organ donor.

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