Coss coss at ihug.co.nz
Wed Apr 15 04:05:36 EST 1998

Nick Medford wrote:

> This clever-clever approach strikes me as pointless and unhelpful.
> Consult any basic atlas of ophthalmology and you will see that certain
> patterns of myelination can occasionally lend a highly abnormal
> appearance to the optic fundus. This is presumably what was meant by
> "excessive myelination". The word "excessive" should probably not have
> been used in this context since it implies that there may be some risk
> or harm involved. There isn't- the only risk is that the fundal
> appearance may be mistaken for that of papilloedema and unnecessary
> investigations undertaken as a result.
> If you are a regular follower of this group you must be aware that it is
> close to collapse under the weight of spam and dogma. The original post
> in this thread was an honest- if perhaps over-anxious- query which,
> while not exactly neuroscience, was at least roughly on-topic. Why try
> to make the guy feel small in this way? Save your bile for those who are
> wrecking the group with their off-topic bilge.
> In article <6gudhm$kfi at knot.queensu.ca>, Emma Chase VanCott
> <7elc at qlink.queensu.ca> writes
> >       Um, nerves are myelinated. Nyelination is white. Your eye has an
> >optic nerve.
> >
> >       'Nuff said,
> >
> >emma
> >:)
> --
> Nick Medford

Thanks Nick,

No I dont follow your news group sorry and indeed have next to no knowledge
of neuroscience (thanks for making that ABSOLUTELY clear for me emma, your
just the greatest! really.),  and Im sorry if I sounded a  little
"over-anxious" but if a plumber told you that your pipes could explode due
to excessive Turdofibrosis, wouldnt you at least attempt to find out what
that meant? let alone having a possibility of leading a life with a
crippling disease such as MS?.

What I think the optometrist was trying to tell me was that the myelin was
protruding past the optic nerve (clear that up for us would you emma?), and
that while he himself had not seen this condition before, it could be
indicative of early signs of MS, where as the body is over producing myelin
to try to compensate the degeneration-
the moral of the story being.... "if you dont know, get it checked out".

I have since had it checked out and had an Eye-Field test done, which should

of shown anything wrong- I passed (yippee)- so the pressures most off?.

Secondly- in hind sight and respective of your comment "Consult any basic
atlas of ophthalmology and you will see......", could it be that it was just

a way for the optometrist to drum-up a little more work out of me?

Thanks again Nick, your input has been informative and helpfull (if not a
little heavy on the medical jargon- next time use words with less than 3
syllables, eh emma?)


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