Lee Merkel wrote:
>> SW wrote:
>> > Occam's Razor is merely the way any problem or mystery should be
> > approached. With common sense logic and without a vested interest in
> > what the solution 'should' be.
> >
> > Stephen Walsh
>> Inherent in Occam's razor is the fact that it WILL be wrong
> with a varying ratio, depending on the nature of the subject
> being studied.
Only if you take the extreme view. The last word of Occam's Razor is
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
Or the last three words in the English translation: "Entities should not
be multiplied more than necessary". It's not "take the least number of
entities", it's "take the least number of *necessary* entities."
(With thanks to http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/foldoc/89/64.htm for the
original and HotBot for finding it quickly).
Happy is he who has been able to learn the causes of things - Virgil