Alien Abductions

lurkapup The-lurkapup at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 15 10:48:15 EST 1998

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 13:09:13 +0100, SW <stephen.walsh1 at virgin.net>

>Hello Lee,
>Occam's Razor is merely the way any problem or mystery should be
>approached. With common sense logic and without a vested interest in
>what the solution 'should' be.

I was under the impression that as a rule it just said that the
simpilest explanation is the most likely ... 
where does the vested interest come into it ??

and the simpiliest explanation can be the most improbable .....


Don't Dream it, Be it.

Email: The-Lurkapup at hotmail.com

The- comes off the Email thing, but only for the purposes
of correspondence, it doesnt come off for junk mail 


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