"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

lurkapup The-lurkapup at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 15 10:48:05 EST 1998

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:45:24 -0700, atheme <atheme at azstarnet.com>

>I say "way to go" Robert, I have been reading this thread for a bit, I am
>tired of getting slammed by other countries, who feel so far superior to us
>lowly Americans.. I have bit my tongue, and let the ranting go on about how
>messed up we are.. I liked what you said.  :o)  Atheme

It seems to me that america is sooo large and the population so
diverse that you could find examples of anything there to prove your
point of whatever aspect of human nature that you are trying to prove
... and with the fondness of generalisations ... it seems to be used
to slam america a lot ... 

not that I dont feel americans need slamming ... :)
someones got to keep them in their place (j/k :)


Don't Dream it, Be it.

Email: The-Lurkapup at hotmail.com

The- comes off the Email thing, but only for the purposes
of correspondence, it doesnt come off for junk mail 


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