"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 15 18:23:08 EST 1998

Please respect the integrity of this newsgroup and delete
bionet.neuroscience from the long list of addresses at the heading
before responding further to this discussion or others which crowd out
neuroscience discussion.

In <6gvc61$o4t$1 at gte2.gte.net> "Tony Veca" <tveca at gte.net> writes: 
>Osvaldo Santos wrote in message <01bd6627$21c10ee0$77c741c2 at oas>...
>>1) The NASA folks don't believe abductions
>Have you talked to anyone who has/does worked for NASA? Or are you
making a
>gross over generalization?
>>2) The people who created Pentium Processors don't believe abductions
>Have you talked to anyone who has/does worked for Intel? Or are you
>another gross over generalization?
>>3) What is your colaboration for Americas advanced tecnology? I bet
>Learn some technological history Osvaldo. Just about every major
>technological advance in the last one hundred years has come from the
>The AC electricity that runs your computer while initial idea was
started in
>Coatia by Nikola Tesla was put into use first here in the United
>Hell, if it hadn't been for Tesla developing the first AND/OR gates we
>wouldn't have computers.
>When one is frightened of the truth . . . then it is
>never the whole truth that one has an inkling of.
> -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
>    Austrian philosopher. Notebooks 1914-1916
>(ed. by Anscombe, 1961), entry for 15 Oct. 1914.
>Tony Veca
>tveca at gte.net

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