Education and culture (Was Re: "Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena)

Jim Carr jac at ibms48.scri.fsu.edu
Tue Apr 14 20:13:07 EST 1998

  ... no attempt made to trim newsgroups since this seems off topic 
      in all of them, but the least plausible ones have been left 
      out of followups; add one back in if needed ...

Pepijn Schmitz <pschmitz at no.spam.stormtech.com> writes:
>Sorry, I never payed much attention in history class, I can't think of one
>example. Could you give me one?


 James A. Carr   <jac at scri.fsu.edu>     | Commercial e-mail is _NOT_ 
    http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~jac/       | desired to this or any address 
 Supercomputer Computations Res. Inst.  | that resolves to my account 
 Florida State, Tallahassee FL 32306    | for any reason at any time. 

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