"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Tony Veca tveca at gte.net
Tue Apr 14 06:03:47 EST 1998

Pepijn Schmitz wrote in message <3532958E.267B6EFD at no.spam.stormtech.com>...
>Red at Pantheon.Global wrote:
>> >The reason is essentially cultural because "abductions" have been
>> >created by a money oriented society which sells anything which can be
>> >swallowed by millions of gullible Americans.
>> Or because Americans are the most advanced culture on earth, so the
>> aliens would naturally be most interested in us.
>'The most advanced culture on earth'?! Ha! Define advanced...
>Heard of any eleven year olds shooting up their classmates in Europe
>recently? There's American culture for you!

And how many car bombings and terrorist actions have there been in Europe in
the last 5 years? The United States doesn't seem to suffer from to much
terrorist action.

When one is frightened of the truth . . . then it is
never the whole truth that one has an inkling of.
 -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
    Austrian philosopher. Notebooks 1914-1916
(ed. by Anscombe, 1961), entry for 15 Oct. 1914.
Tony Veca
tveca at gte.net

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