Education and culture (Was Re: "Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena)

Jim Hunter jim.hunter at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu
Tue Apr 14 11:17:18 EST 1998

Pepijn Schmitz wrote:

 > What are you on about now? Are you equating culture with power? First
of all:
 > that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.

Chuckle, snicker, and gag. Have you ever read a history book,
ye of storied past.

 > Second, it means you're implying two things:
 > You're saying that other cultures don't have the power to give their
 > guns and allow them to go and murder their classmates. That's not
true, other
 > cultures certainly have that power, they just _choose_ not to use it
 > God).

Eeeg. I have nothing against Euro's except when they're F.O.S. 
Let's see. Who was is it that perfected the art of starting 
wars? China? No. Middle East? No. Japan? No. Africa? No. 
I think you're just a little annoyed because the U.S. perfected
the art of finishing wars. Also, thanking Gods is impolite in
sci.physics. Everyone is clueless about the structure you are 
referring to.

 > And you're saying that it doesn't reflect on a culture if its members
 > guns and shoot each other dead by the dozens each day. Surely you
don't mean
 > that.

Think Pepijn. Think. I know, or assume, that Europeans get taught
math. Don't let my name fool you either. I don't own a gun. But,
that's saying that I think guns are evil.

 > Technologically, the US may be right up there, but culturally
 > they're just a few steps out of the dark ages. I'm exagerating a bit
now to
 > get my point across, but calling the American culture the 'most
 > culture on earth' is ludicrous.
 > Pepijn

There's only one culture in the world that had a Dark Age. 
Don't be exporting your trash. Euro's come in two classes.
The real people and the dainty. There's always mistaking 
dainty for culture.


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