Education and culture (Was Re: "Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena)

Pepijn Schmitz pschmitz at no.spam.stormtech.com
Tue Apr 14 14:18:28 EST 1998

Jim Hunter wrote:

> Pepijn Schmitz wrote:
>  > What are you on about now? Are you equating culture with power? First
> of all:
>  > that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.
> Chuckle, snicker, and gag. Have you ever read a history book,
> ye of storied past.

Meaning what? Will a history book tell me that culture _is_ the same as

>  > Second, it means you're implying two things:
>  >
>  > You're saying that other cultures don't have the power to give their
> kids
>  > guns and allow them to go and murder their classmates. That's not
> true, other
>  > cultures certainly have that power, they just _choose_ not to use it
> (thank
>  > God).
> Eeeg. I have nothing against Euro's except when they're F.O.S.
> Let's see. Who was is it that perfected the art of starting
> wars? China? No. Middle East? No. Japan? No. Africa? No.

Who's talking about wars? I'm not. Red's not. I'm talking about the fact
that a lot of kids in the US apparently feel the need to shoot their
contemporaries dead, AND have ready access to minivans full of guns. That's
certainly not true anywhere in Europe.

> I think you're just a little annoyed because the U.S. perfected
> the art of finishing wars.

I'm not annoyed at all, what makes you think that? Why does anyone here keep
equating military power with culture? I was talking about culture, I never
even brought up wars!

> Also, thanking Gods is impolite in
> sci.physics. Everyone is clueless about the structure you are
> referring to.

Me too. But that doesn't mean I can't use the expression in the commonly
accepted way. I say 'Jesus' or 'Christ' or even 'Jesus Christ' all the time,
without meaning anything special.

>  > And you're saying that it doesn't reflect on a culture if its members
> carry
>  > guns and shoot each other dead by the dozens each day. Surely you
> don't mean
>  > that.
> Think Pepijn. Think. I know, or assume, that Europeans get taught
> math. Don't let my name fool you either. I don't own a gun. But,
> that's saying that I think guns are evil.

I'm not following... Also, keep in mind that I'm not voicing my own opinions
here, I'm just following Red's line of thought to its logical conclusions.

>  > Technologically, the US may be right up there, but culturally
> speaking
>  > they're just a few steps out of the dark ages. I'm exagerating a bit
> now to
>  > get my point across, but calling the American culture the 'most
> advanced
>  > culture on earth' is ludicrous.
> There's only one culture in the world that had a Dark Age.
> Don't be exporting your trash. Euro's come in two classes.
> The real people and the dainty. There's always mistaking
> dainty for culture.

Are you pulling my leg or are you really that arrogant (and ignorant)? Of
course the US didn't have a dark age, there was nobody there during the dark
age. I'm excluding the native Americans of course. If the US had been as
densely populated as Europe was in those times, it would have been a _very_
dark age, let me assure you. I was speaking metaphorically.

Have you ever even been to Europe? It doesn't seem possible, judging from
the way you talk about European culture, and the way you seem to think that
Europe is one country ('only one culture' ?).


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