Nick Medford nick at hermit0.demon.co.uk
Tue Apr 14 14:19:52 EST 1998

This clever-clever approach strikes me as pointless and unhelpful.
Consult any basic atlas of ophthalmology and you will see that certain
patterns of myelination can occasionally lend a highly abnormal
appearance to the optic fundus. This is presumably what was meant by
"excessive myelination". The word "excessive" should probably not have
been used in this context since it implies that there may be some risk
or harm involved. There isn't- the only risk is that the fundal
appearance may be mistaken for that of papilloedema and unnecessary
investigations undertaken as a result.

If you are a regular follower of this group you must be aware that it is
close to collapse under the weight of spam and dogma. The original post
in this thread was an honest- if perhaps over-anxious- query which,
while not exactly neuroscience, was at least roughly on-topic. Why try
to make the guy feel small in this way? Save your bile for those who are
wrecking the group with their off-topic bilge.

In article <6gudhm$kfi at knot.queensu.ca>, Emma Chase VanCott
<7elc at qlink.queensu.ca> writes
>       Um, nerves are myelinated. Nyelination is white. Your eye has an
>optic nerve.
>       'Nuff said,

Nick Medford

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