>> Heard of any eleven year olds shooting up their classmates in Europe
> recently? There's American culture for you!
No, but I can't recall the last time one of our International Airports was
closed because someone was lobbing mortors into it (i.e London a few years
back) or for that matter, our ratio of car bombs over that of Europe is
much lower (counting Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center bombs).
Violance is violance weather it's guns here or car bombs their.
I will also point out that the shooting in Scottland was carried out by
a person that had obtained his hand guns and permits legally.
| Robert Alan Byer | A-Com Computing, Inc. |
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| A-Com Computing, Inc. | Indianapolis, IN 46204 |
| Phone: (317)673-4204 | http://www.all-net.net/ |
| byer at mail.all-net.net | I don't want to take over the world, |
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