In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.980414124014.16104D-100000 at>, Stephen Black <sblack at> wrote:
$$While I'm generally a liberal on appropriateness of content, I agree
$$that recent postings to this list have gone well beyond the
$$acceptable. Now, I don't understand how this list is tied into a
$$newsgroup, because I receive it as individual posts from a listserv.
All new newsgroups have the option of being run as LISTs through the BIOSCI
listserv option. I guess the LISTSERV "option" of bionet.neuroscience is still
$$However, for those willing to use the listserv route, there is an
$$excellent new moderated list called NeuroSci.
$$Rather than starting a new moderated list, why doesn't everyone
$$subscribe to that list, and use it for all future neuroscience
$$postings? That way, we can get back to discussing neuroscience rather
$$than whatever that stuff is that we've been receiving lately.
This concept of all of us subscribing to a LIST seems a reasonable idea, but
what happens if someone unfamiliar with the LIST seeks information? Like the
students who post regularly about advice on neuroscience majors, graduate
programs etc. They will not be aware of the LIST.