"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Red at Pantheon.Global Red at Pantheon.Global
Mon Apr 13 22:25:52 EST 1998

Pepijn Schmitz <pschmitz at no.spam.stormtech.com> wrote:
>Red at Pantheon.Global wrote:
>> >The reason is essentially cultural because "abductions" have been
>> >created by a money oriented society which sells anything which can be
>> >swallowed by millions of gullible Americans.
>> Or because Americans are the most advanced culture on earth, so the
>> aliens would naturally be most interested in us.
>'The most advanced culture on earth'?! Ha! Define advanced...
>Heard of any eleven year olds shooting up their classmates in Europe
>recently? There's American culture for you!

So, is Pepijn really your name. What culture you from?

The truth is that every power will be used for good or bad. Pointing out 
the bad uses does not invalidate the power.

Pantheon Global-USA <http://www.angelfire.com/tx/USofTexas
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