Education and culture (Was Re: "Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena)

Pepijn Schmitz pschmitz at no.spam.stormtech.com
Mon Apr 13 23:03:16 EST 1998

Red at Pantheon.Global wrote:

> Pepijn Schmitz <pschmitz at no.spam.stormtech.com> wrote:
> >Red at Pantheon.Global wrote:
> >> Or because Americans are the most advanced culture on earth, so the
> >> aliens would naturally be most interested in us.
> >
> >'The most advanced culture on earth'?! Ha! Define advanced...
> >
> >Heard of any eleven year olds shooting up their classmates in Europe
> >recently? There's American culture for you!
> >
> >Pepijn
> So, is Pepijn really your name. What culture you from?

Yes it is. I'm from the Netherlands. Why?

> The truth is that every power will be used for good or bad. Pointing out
> the bad uses does not invalidate the power.

What are you on about now? Are you equating culture with power? First of all:
that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.

Second, it means you're implying two things:

You're saying that other cultures don't have the power to give their kids
guns and allow them to go and murder their classmates. That's not true, other
cultures certainly have that power, they just _choose_ not to use it (thank

And you're saying that it doesn't reflect on a culture if its members carry
guns and shoot each other dead by the dozens each day. Surely you don't mean

Technologically, the US may be right up there, but culturally speaking
they're just a few steps out of the dark ages. I'm exagerating a bit now to
get my point across, but calling the American culture the 'most advanced
culture on earth' is ludicrous.


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