bionet.neuroscience.MODERATED -- Info

Angie lgd450 at nwu.edu
Mon Apr 13 11:22:10 EST 1998

[e-mailed in parallel]

m-natarajan at nwu.edu (Madhusudan Natarajan) wrote:

> 3. We need a moderator (some computer access prerequisites). usually the 
> discussion leader becomes moderator.

> Some potential problems : All postings to the newsgroup have to go
through the 
> moderator. hence his availabilty dictates the posting of articles to the 
> newsgroup. If the moderator is away for a while (illness...??) we are left 
> adrift..There needs to be an extended discussion and clarification on exactly 
> what topics can be discussed and what cannot be talked about. Its not easy to 
> play the moderators job, esp if ambiguous topics come up, and one is unsure 
> about "passing it" ot not...


You may want to think about having more moderators.  It really is a full
time job.  For our moderated group, we have 10 moderators, so should one
need time off, it's not a big deal.  There are also 4-5 advisors to the
moderators who can step in if needed.  All 15 of these people are set up
on a mailing list so that they can discuss problems with posts and
policies.  (We probably get double the number of posts per day that b.n
does.)  Who your moderators are will play a big part.  Usually votes for
or against a moderated group are based more on voting for the moderators
than voting for the existence of a new group.

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