At 14:31 12/04/98 GMT, you wrote:
<tiresome allegory snipped>
>The moral in the story, be patient with your treatments, realise that
>your doctor doesn't know everything ( even if he/she hasn't realised
>it yet), contemplate how dangerous medicine has become in some
>areas, and could become in the future. Finally if worst comes to
> worst you are on your OWN to deal with everything, a lot wiser than
> you were, but it's no consolation prize.
Carol, this is all common sense....Doctors are the same as everyone else,
some good, some bad, some egotistical etc...they only have power over you if
you give it to's called informed consent..they are often stressed
by time (as are all of us) and need to be chased occasionally. Despite this,
most people (including doctors) know that they do 10 % of the work and
nature does 90 % of it.
if you have had a bad experience with a doctor or maybe more than one
doctor, get a referral to someone else or chase up these poor examples of
humanity and tell them that they are not giving you good service or report
them to a disciplinary body.
little stories that belabour points do very little good
ps: I'm not a doctor
Richard Kerr.
The Murdoch Institute,
R.C.H. Flemington Rd, Parkville, 3052,
kerrr at
Phone (61) 3 9345 5045.
FAX (61) 3 9348 1391.
'The most interesting things about vertebrates occur in the neural crest.'
Peter Thorogood.