TJ wrote:
>> I have vague memories of an abduction when I was younger. I think my
> mind has blocked it all because it was too traumatic. What I do
> remember are the long glistening fingers that slid across my chest as I
> lay on a cold sterile table. And the bright lights. Nothing more.
Using Occam's Razor the two most likely explanations for your vague,
haunting memories are :
(1) Recall of a particularly disturbing and vivid dream you had when
young. Perhaps inspired by a disturbing film or television programme
depicting medical operations that you may have seen a bit of and it
stuck in your mind.
(2) Recall of a visit to hospital or the doctor's surgery for a
check-up, or even the dentist when you were very young that you found
strange and disturbing. Elements of the experience may have stuck in the
back of your mind. I wonder, what are your feelings today when you have
to visit the dentist or the doctor?
Believe me these are much more likely explanations than abduction by
alien beings.
Stephen Walsh