Alien Abductions

Blue Resonant Human density4 at cts.com.org.net
Sat Apr 11 23:44:06 EST 1998

patanie at hotmail.com (Patanîe Pongpâ) wrote:

>>On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 21:38:17 -0500, TJ <lavos999 at yahoo.com> decided to
>>say, in sci.psychology.psychotherapy, using 4 valuable lines of text:
>>>I have vague memories of an abduction when I was younger.  I think my
>>>mind has blocked it all because it was too traumatic.  What I do
>>>remember are the long glistening fingers that slid across my chest as I
>>>lay on a cold sterile table.  And the bright lights.  Nothing more.
>>How do you know the table was sterile?


>Good joke!

Don't laugh too quickly here, Bro. P:. for we've spoken to a good many
Space Alien Abductees and though they've all been assaulted with the
Holy Anal Probes, not a one of them recalls ever seeing the probes
being sterilised.

I shit you not.

Now, it strikes me that a number of dentists have been plagued with
lawsuits regarding their conceivable spreading of the AIDS virus via
unsterilised dental equipment.  In the same fashion that the mighty
gangster Al Capone was finally toppled by the efforts of our Fine
American IRS lawyers, perhaps we'd fare better against the Grey
Invasion of Galactic Butt Pirates from Zeta Ridiculi if only we'd set
our lawyers after them.


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