Can sewage in seawater cause labyrinthitis?

Peter address at in.sig.com
Sun Apr 12 02:48:27 EST 1998


Briefly, I have a problem with vertigo, present during head movement.
It started with what seemed like an ear infection. I have had several
such infections over several years, the onset of each correlating
precisely with exposure to seawater during swimming or windsurfing.
The "infections" are all internal, i.e. nothing abnormal is visible in
an ear examination.

The correlation in time between the vertigo (going for some months
now) and what preceeded it is fairly obvious to me. The "experts" tell
me there cannot be a causal relationship, "because the inner ear is
too far inside the head" to get infected that way. I am not a doctor,
but I am a scientist, and I am damn sure one cannot make such a

I am in the UK, where a dismissive attitude to such questions is very
much the norm in the medical profession, it seems.

I apologise if this is not the right newsgroup, but I cannot find more
suitable ones and it is better to start somewhere.

I am aware of the dozen or so possible causes of vertigo, having read
up on the subject in some detail. I am having the standard series of
tests done, including MRI (already done), but in the meantime I would
welcome any expert input.


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