I found this info on the BIOSCI FAQ. There are several prerequisites
to starting a new newsgroup. Read the info below, and lets call open forum on
this. If one wishes to read the original document its at
. and follow the links to "starting up a new newsgroup".
I summarize
1. We need to write up a proposal to form a group, including the need for the
group, the contents discussed etc etc
2. The group should have a *clearly defined* statement of purpose, and a
designated discussion leader
3. We need a moderator (some computer access prerequisites). usually the
discussion leader becomes moderator.
4. We post the proposal in bionet.announce (actually we send it to the biosci
help at biosci-help at, and they post it at the appropriate places)
5. Discussion follows; including need for the newsgroup; suggestions about the
charter; topics for discussion etc etc
6. Modification of proposal based on discussion
7. Call for votes; send out modified proposal on bionet.announce
8. We have to poll 80 affirmative votes in 30 days.
9. Number of affirmative must exceed the nay sayers by at least 40.
Some potential problems : All postings to the newsgroup have to go through the
moderator. hence his availabilty dictates the posting of articles to the
newsgroup. If the moderator is away for a while (illness...??) we are left
adrift..There needs to be an extended discussion and clarification on exactly
what topics can be discussed and what cannot be talked about. Its not easy to
play the moderators job, esp if ambiguous topics come up, and one is unsure
about "passing it" ot not...
So thats where we stand. We need to discuss if anyone will volunteer
to be group leader and moderator. If we get past that stage, we
need volunteers to author a first draft of the proposal, post and critique it,
rewrite, repost .. iterate.. and then send out to the BIOSCI people. Lots of
Lets think about all of this and discuss this some more. First off.. While I
think that the need to have a moderated newsgroup is justified, are all of
us still sure we want a moderated newsgroup?
Madhusudan Natarajan
m-natarajan at