>>Lets think about all of this and discuss this some more. First off.. While I
>think that the need to have a moderated newsgroup is justified, are all of
>us still sure we want a moderated newsgroup?
>>Madhusudan Natarajan
>m-natarajan at nwu.edu>
A moderated group could maintain both the neuro and the science content.
But is it worth the considerable effort?
Certainly the other bionet groups have the same issues and concerns.
What are their experiences? How many are moderated?
Or we can just pick and choose among the messages those which seem worthy of
reading and/or answering, just as we do everywhere else in life. I recall
the enormous amount of aspartame posts filling this group (I hesitate to
mention the word for restarting the issue). Eventually, it stopped.
Maybe we should just be more patient and more selective in our reading.