>>>>I just caught a few seconds on Radio-4 that suggested thalidomide can
be licensed for use with named PWMS in the UK.<<<<
If Thalidomide is re-marketed in Britain or any other country I think the
storm is going to be more than any drug company can take. I am
sure their shares will plummet. It may just be helpful to know why the
drug caused the deformities, they will have egg all over their faces.
It is also in the interest of other drugs companies to act on this to
stop it happening. It is good PR for them to ' be the wise men '
in the proceedings. There are some things in life that have to be
put on a shelf and left there and Thalidomide is one of them.
You are still making far too many mistakes to revive an old one, do a
decent thing for once. Put little peoples well-being before your
pockets, they have no voice just years of tears.
Please if you feel strong about this issue copy out my post and repost
it somewhere else.
Carol T