harding wrote:
>> >
> > "THE THREAT" The Secret Agenda - DR. JACOBS / A REVIEW
> >
> > The Threat - A Review
> > By Amy L. Hebert
> >
> > In Dr. Jacobs' new book, "The Threat: The Secret Agenda: What The Aliens
> > Really Want...And How They Plan To Get It", he indicates that the alien
> > agenda is essentially to breed hybrids by mixing human and alien genetic
> > material and integrate the hybrids into human society until only
> hybrids,
> > under complete domination and control of the aliens themselves, are
> left.
> > He indicates that the hybridization appears to progress in stages;
>> If these aliens are so smart why have they chosen this obscure and
> time-consuming,method for world domination? I mean why screw around with
> all of this ass probing and bubba molestation, when they can just make with
> the lasers or engineer a virus or something?
>> Just curious
> Bryce Harding
One explanation of this I have read is that they are interested in the
human "soul," and that their aim is, through cross-breeding, achieve
such a trait in their own race. Lasers and weapons would hardly be a
logical means of reaching that goal. The "Dulce Book" is my source of
this information. It can be easily found by making a search for just
that. It gets into underground bases, abductions, mutilations, and all
that stuff. I think there could be a lot of truthful information there,
but not totally so. If not believeable, it is somewhat entertaining to