Treating Anxiety and stress with Red Sage(salvia splendens)

Patanîe Pongpâ patanie at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 10 07:22:47 EST 1998

The Red Sage is a marvellous newly discovered herbal medicine to treat
anxiety and stress.

The active principles of this very common ornamental sage,found all
over the world,are hypothesised to be neoclerodane diterpens(salviarin
and/or splendidin or both).Other sages might also have similar
properties,such as salvia pseudococcinea or salvia coccinea(Texas

The Red Sage works only sublingually.

In case of anxiety or over dose of stress just chew a leaf and place
it under the tongue for 20 minutes.

You will feel an amazing peace of mind and tranquillity lasting for
about 4 to 6 hours or more if you take more leaves.No euphoria at
all.Only an anti anxiety effect,the dream of some pharmaceutical

Experiment only with step by step increasing dosage.
I leaf,I and a half leaf,2 leaves until you find your optimal dosage.

Subjective effects are reminiscent somewhat of SSRIs and Prozac.

Anti-anxiety effects of 1 sublingual leaf seem to be equivalent to the
anti-anxiety effect of 2 mgr of the benzodiazepine


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