Jeff Willner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can anyone recommend a souce of glass tubing suitable for fabricating
> micropipettes? I want to fabricate some injector tips to glue onto the end
> of a Hamilton microsyringe (for making neurotoxin lesions of hippocampus).
> I need glass tubing that approximates the following dimensions: 1.2 mm x
> 0.68 mm x 6" in length.
>> I was given the name of A + M Systems (of Everitt, WA) as a source of
> tubing, but the phone numbers I tracked down for the company have all been
> disconnected. I'd certainly be interested in getting in touch with them if
> they're still in business, but I'm now more concerned with finding a good
> source for tubing.
>> Thanks for any leads,
>> Jeff Willner
>> --
> Jeffrey Willner, Ph.D. I speak only for myself
> Department of Psychology jwillner at> Box 6946, Russell Hall jwillner at> Radford University (540) 831-5341 (voice)
> Radford, VA 24142-6946 (540) 831-3116 (fax)
A-M Systems, Inc should have what you need. See their home page at:
Other information from their page:
A-M Systems, Inc.
131 Business Park Loop
PO Box 850
Carlsborg, WA 98324 USA
Toll free: 1-800-426-1306
Customer service: sales at
Tel: 1-360-683-8300
Technical assistance: tech at
Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D.