> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 22:22:35 -0300 (ADT)
> From: Benjamin Rusak <rusak at is.dal.ca>
> To: cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> Cc: neur-sci at net.bio.net> Subject: Re: Science........Wrong
> The brainsurfers, witches, warlocks and telepaths should be encouraged to
> continue to communicate with the rest of us, but to do so exclusively
> through telepathic means.
You'd be too dumb to get any normal sending power.
If you think that everyone likes to scream at you, what for.
You are just some censorship-loving Western science idiot.
I look forward to receiving their future
> messages through such direct means, and to not see them again in this
> newsgroup.
Yes, so it nicely stays the frontal cortex or the bigger nets as the center
of human consciousness... Lol.
Some day grow up with your baby science of not even 200 years
and catch up with those dating back thousands of years.
Most of this stuff about consciousness-theories and several other areas is rediculous
to the extreme.
> *********************************************************************
> Benjamin Rusak, Ph.D. Phone: (902) 494-2159
> Professor, Psychiatry and Pharmacology
The ones damaging receptormolecule numbers with drugs and getting people to
commit suicide.
Why don't you go and stick some tranqui or hapy pill in someone and then ask
them to analyze themselves, best while being locked up.
Ups, there goes another who killed himself.
Of course all not the own fault,
and how odd healers of other many places tend to need a few hours to a few
days where you folks "need" weeks of drugging or even years...
Current psychiatry with a few exceptions can be summoned up to idiots who do
not understand some of the most basic things about the mind and mess in areas
of the brain with drugs,
destroying people's natural balances, turning them into chemo zombies.
Nice death rates you folks have killing with prozac and nice brain damaging
rates for other drugs, not to forget the filter organs.
Junky makers
to make lots of money selling drugs, and not even getting persecuted but
getting paid for it.
Cool job.
No wonder you are scared of others.
(902) 473-2433
> Faculty of Science Killam Professor of Psychology
Psycholgy - aren't those the idiots who still did not even get some of the
most basic relationships between and with the basolateral part of the amygdala and
hypothalamus areas?
About the same logic level like the Catholic Church.
Scientology is even more advanced than that.
And Ronnie was mistaken with most of what he wrote.
I can see why somne folks trying with psychology rather go to Scientology.
THAT is still better than the other nonsense.