Source of glass tubing for micropipettes?

Jeff Willner jwillner at runet.edu
Fri Apr 10 13:19:48 EST 1998

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a souce of glass tubing suitable for fabricating
micropipettes? I want to fabricate some injector tips to glue onto the end
of a Hamilton microsyringe (for making neurotoxin lesions of hippocampus).
I need glass tubing that approximates the following dimensions: 1.2 mm x
0.68 mm x 6" in length.

I was given the name of A + M Systems (of Everitt, WA) as a source of
tubing, but the phone numbers I tracked down for the company have all been
disconnected. I'd certainly be interested in getting in touch with them if
they're still in business, but I'm now more concerned with finding a good
source for tubing.

Thanks for any leads,

Jeff Willner

Jeffrey Willner, Ph.D.                        I speak only for myself
Department of Psychology                           jwillner at runet.edu
Box 6946, Russell Hall                 jwillner at james.psych.runet.edu
Radford University                             (540) 831-5341 (voice)
Radford, VA 24142-6946                           (540) 831-3116 (fax)

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