"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Don P. esoxlNeodymium at juno.com
Thu Apr 9 12:25:13 EST 1998

 bi0menac at die.spammer.die writes:
> Don P. wrote:
>>   Some of inventions of Nicola Tesla technology involved 
>>devices that could not be explained by modern physics. Tesla
>>was not a physicist and did not attempt to work out the math
>>for his devices, but some of the devices that he *played* with 
>>IMO utilized Unified Field Theories. There are many books on 
>>Tesla technology check it out yourself. 
>>   Hans Coler devices from 1925 and 1933, the Stromerzeuger and 
>>Magnetstromapparat respectively. Today there is still no answer
>>from *modern* science why these devices produced more energy 
>>output than apparent input. 
>References please? How are these devices made, and have they been

  For the Hans Coler  devices visit "http://www.energyscience.co.uk/" 
and look at Lecture No. 7. 

 As for Tesla, there are many books available.

 There are no facts that regarding the duplication of the work
of these men. I find this point most interesting.   

 There are published (to an extent) the facts regarding the 
work of Dr. Eugene Podkletnov involving anti-gravity effects.
NASA is attempting to duplicate this work (as stated in the 
December issue of Pop. Mech.) I don't have these url's 
handy, else I would post them here. I'm sure if you do a
web search on "Eugene Podkletnov" you will find some 

 Most (but not all) of the work involved here does not go into great depth
on how they are made. My speculation is that under certain circumstances
and conditions, a rotating magnetic field, in conjunction with a rotating
electric field, may effect or manifiest a gravity field.  I suspect that
Tesla found some interestings effects dealing with these aspects. 
This IS the crux of Podkletnov's work, and of NASA attempts in 
duplicating it. I believe the Searl Disc, and Hamel Disc may also
used this type of tech in their work. As for the german engineers in 
the 1930's, I have no idea what they used to propel their discs. 
These german engineers men were obtained by the US after the war, 
taken somewhere in midwest, and pretty much never heard from again. 
 As I find more info regarding the men that have worked on disc
aircraft, and as I find more info regarding the UFT technology.
I will post it. 

>>  The work of T.J.J. See and his extensive work on the Unified 
>>Field Thoeries from the early 1920's, that was ignored by the 
>>mainstream scientific community. 
>>  The work starting in the 1930's and later by Victor Schauberger.
>>Schriever, Dr. Miethe, the Hortens, and John Searl, and maybe even
>>T.T. Brown. All these men worked on developing disc aircraft. 
>Did they actually develop one? And if so, please give your references
>and tell us all if they have been verified and duplicated.

  There are several books that discuss man made UFOs, I believe
Vesco has one titled "Man Made UFO's", although I have not read
this partiuclar book.

  The information regrading the verification and duplication of most
of these crafts are not available to the public. Besides David Hamel
and Pierre Sinclare I know of no independent venture at developing
disc crafts using Unified Field Theories (or as some prefer anti-gravity).

 Thanks for your queries.

Kind Regards

Don Palermo
Investigator of Theoretical Physics,
and Unified Field Theories.

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"Humans have had VERY efficient disc aircraft for 
at least 43 years."

ETH (Alien Visitation) skeptic

UFO (Human Made Disc Aircraft) proponent

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