21-23 SEPTEMBER 1998
Practical Workshop Course on Stereological Techniques in Biomedical
Research. Harrow, UK
This stereology course will be practical/workshop based and will include
some theory to elucidate the techniques being carried out. Attendees
will work with lung, brain, kidney, phrenic nerve and bone and will
learn to measure total volumes, volumes within volumes, number density,
total number, surface area density, total surface area, length density
and total length of various tissue components and cells within these
organs using stereological techniques including Cavalieri's principle,
physical disector, optical disector, optical brick, surface estimator,
length estimator, point-sampled intercept, nucleator, star volume etc.
The practical application of design based, unbiased sampling regimens -
uniform random sampling, isotropic and vertical uniform random sampling
- for both wax and resin processed tissues will also be taught.
Attendees will be encouraged to bring any of their own tissues needing
these analyses for discussion during the course.
Aaron Southgate, Dept. Surgical Research, NPIMR, Northwick Park
Hospital, HARROW, Middlesex, HA1 3UJ, UK
Fax - + 44 (0)181 869 3270
E-mail - a.southgate at ic.ac.uk