"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

HeWhoGetsSlapped egaynes at pacbell.net
Tue Apr 7 22:49:49 EST 1998

m wrote:
> It appears to me that one reason for confusion with this, is that there
> are multiple and related abduction phenomena, most of which take place
> in dream states, and some which do not.

And of course the ones that do not fit into the new scientific debunking 
theory of the day is magically forgotten.
> In any case, scientific mumbo jumbo which has more to do with faith than
> true science doesn't adequately explain the dream experiences and 'sleep
> paralysis' either.

This complete lack of objective, rational thinking among much of the 
so-called scientificilly minded bunch is that they are a true example of 
'You are what you hate'. They have a complete lack of understanding and 
inability to rationally deal with the abduction phenomenon, therefore 
they lash out and accuse the abductees and their supporters of behaving 
in the exact way that they themselves are, making subjective judgements 
and never once use their logic, but instead blind faith that 'it must 
not be'.

> My observation and experience has been that the "E.T.s'" can generally
> only get at a person through that person's own emotional nature, so if a
> person can decline to give them either fascination or fear, then they
> will leave that person alone.  If unable to do that, thinking about
> Jesus or ones's 'higher self' tends to move a person to a place where
> the "E.T.'s" can't go.  It seems to me that this ought to at least help
> for the 'daytime' abductions also, though depending on a person's
> destiny it won't necessarily immediately preclude these experiences from
> happening.

I have the feeling that it is a just a matter of that with one's faith 
and ability to not consciously react to them, all they are doing is 
blocking out the experiences from their conscious mind. 
> >
> > The evidence on the side of the abductees is too overwelming
> > and you can't handle it, it scares you, so you throw things back
> > like sleep paralysis and Succubus and Incubus and it's CRAP!
> I agree.  As I indicated, I don't think that these other phenomena are
> what they are said to be either though.
> If it is true that there are few abductions in Europe, I would guess
> that this is because the abduction phenomena appears in some other form
> there, or is hidden behind some other set of images.  From what I can
> see, the influences that are behind the abductions are at least as
> active in Europe as in America.

I agree, it's just more widely publicised here. There are constant 
reported abductions in europe, especially england from what I have seen. 
But once again the subjective self-proclaimed scientific pseudo skeptics 
lack the ability to make statements based on fact. It's a matter of 
making up their own truth. Very odd behavior, but once again, completely 
proves the ol' cliche.

> In any case, fear and anger feed the problem rather than helping it.  I
> think that what helps the most is honest examination of what is
> happening.  This inevitably results in honest choices about it, and can
> ultimately bring the phenomena to an end.

I doubt that just by facing what is going on will make it automatically 
evaporate into non-existence. But at least by acknowledging what is 
happening, something can be done, you can move on from there. Until 
then, you will remain in a never-ending state of limbo. Do what you want
> Best wishes


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