
Madhusudan Natarajan m-natarajan at nwu.edu
Wed Apr 8 00:34:46 EST 1998

In article <352A4829.12B5 at uthscsa.edu>, casada at uthscsa.edu wrote:

$$What is happening to this newsgroup?  It used to be that science
$$predominated.  Now we have posters "critiquing" science by noting we
$$have not accounted for magic and we don't used drug abusers enough.  We
$$have people who fantasize about what brains do and treat it like the
$$For those that continue to post neuroscience, sorry for the rant.  For
$$the others, please get a grip on SCIENCE or direct your posts to a more
$$appropriate newsgroup.

True, too many pseudo-poets and fantasy writers abound. Maybe its time for an 
RFD for bionet.neuroscience.moderated?

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